Defend Our Future runs a Campus Ambassador program to cultivate the next generation of climate leaders. Through this program, we engage college-aged young people, teaching them the basics of organizing and providing the knowledge and tactics they need to be voices for their community. The program emphasizes the importance of community input and environmental justice through robust training and encouraging our ambassadors and their volunteer network to speak from their own experiences.


Campus Ambassadors

Started in 2018, Defend Our Future’s Campus Ambassador program connects college students to climate action. Campus Ambassadors run volunteer chapters on their college campus. They put on educational events, collaborate with other campus organizations and local businesses, and engage local to federal-level decision-makers on what the climate needs of their generation are.

Each summer, campus ambassadors travel to Washington, D.C., for a three-day training session culminating in office visits with their home-state representatives on Capitol Hill. The map below outlines the current states with Defend Our Future Campus Ambassadors and Community Organizing Fellows.